“C’mon let me shoot”: why we need Wikileaks – gungho USA helicopters killing civilians in Iraq

This is a horrifying video, footage from USA helicopter firing on civilians because they thought a camera was a rocket launcher. Its the casual disregard for the killing that is most horrifying, especially when the target is a van with children come to pick up a wounded man. At no time does anyone point a…

Burn (prophet)

Painting: Oil on Wood. A painting of a campfire, I thought I could see an incomplete chinese character for happiness described by the unburnt logs. My empathy and violence project led me to consider passion, intertwining, fire, volcanoes. So i dug this photo out and painted it in a couple of hours using Venetian red…

Venus: the Sourcerer

2 May 2017. I showed my painting of Venus at a private exhibition for the MA students on my course. The first question I was asked was why isn’t she blue? Well, Venus isn’t blue, as you can tell from looking into the night sky most nights of the year where she can be seen…

Venus is a mandala

I just realised my Venus painting is a mandala. That discovery is the result of my lengthy essay  ‘what is art’…. and the part 2 ‘beyond words’… Here’s a good link…. Mandalas are circular designs that reflect the wholeness of the person creating them. According to Carl Jung (pronounced Yoong), ” a mandala is the…