Spectre of the Real – social art exhibition curated by Raphael at Art of the Real

In April 2019, I curated an exhibition of Social Art at SEAS gallery in Brighton. Today, I was looking at photos from the show, and I realised I didn’t post much about the show on this, my artist website, though I did create a special website for the show (see ArtoftheReal.net, link below). So here…

After the Liberation featured in Saatchi Collection

8 February 2019. I’m happy that Saatchi Gallery has selected my painting “After the Liberation” as part of their collection “Inspired by Gerhard Richter”. I guess it’s because Richter has painted a (very few) paintings on the subject of war and terror including a blurry Twin Towers. And, or course, its kinda blurry. Here’s the…

Red or White: what to wear for Poppy Day if you wish for an end to aggression and war (and to remember all the victims of war, not only fallen soldiers)?

Poppy Day is coming! November 11 is the day in 1918 that World War One ended with the signing of a peace ‘armistice’. Millions of soldiers died. 11 November has become Remembrance Day, and in 1921, the British Legion started selling red poppies, to raise money for ex-servicemen and their families. The British Legion has…

Drone Shadow with Poppies - Action by Russell Honeyman and friends - Brighton Grand Parade - 7 July 2018

Drone Shadow with Poppies (Art Picnic action, site specific installation, Grand Parade, University of Brighton, 7 July 2018)

07 July 2018. On the day after the opening of my show at Brighton University, I hosted an ‘Art Picnic’ on the lawn in front the University on Grand Parade. One focus of this picnic was the construction of a ‘Drone Shadow’, a full size outline of a Predator Attack Drone, such as those in…

Statues of colonial military heroes defaced in South Africa

5 October 2018. Below, I’ve included a link to the Daily Mail article of today’s date, about  statues and memorials  being  defaced in South Africa. The photo above is particularly poignant, as it highlights the British colonial philosophy that the colonisers were humane people, bringing civilised values to a dark continent, here exemplified by concern…

Comfort Zone – art about drones, bombing and the war on terror – socially engaged art showcased at Brighton’s MA Fine Art show 7-14 July 2018

25 June 2018. At first glance, the paintings look like attractive impressions of desert lands. Closer examination reveals grim skeletons of ruined cities, and wounded faces showing fear, defeat and anger – a premonition that bombing is not the end of the story. A comfortable sofa with fashion, art and travel magazines offers an escape…