How neoliberalism betrays the revolution – Cornel West criticises Obama scribe Ta Nehisi Coates

Black American philosopher Cornel West refutes the idea that America’s first black president delivered black emancipation. Obama protected imperialism, militarism, capitalism, neo-colonialism, and the patriarchy; while mouthing the words of tribalism (“at long last, a black president”). I’ve been struggling with my own instinctive support for ‘good guys’ Obama and Hilary Clinton, in the face…

The Revolution is coming to Yorkshire – along with Alfredo Jaar

The Guardian’s exhibition of the week is “Revolution” at Yorkshire Sculpture Park. At the same at YSP there is an ongoing exhibition of socially engaged installations by Alfredo Jaar, including the Garden of Good and Evil. Following is link to an informative press release about the show, with detail about the installations ranging from…

Raqqa after the liberation

Just realised I did not post the reference to my artwork ‘Raqqa after the liberation’. This was a BBC online feature story in October last year. Thousand of civilians in Raqqa and Mosul; the cities are obliterated by Western Coalition bombing. We cant continue to sort out the world’s problems by bombing. We probably need…