The Real News

Ever wondered what’s going on in the world, behind the smokescreen of endless COVID19 scare stories? Yes, COVID is a nasty disease, but the mainstream press is covering it to the exclusion of all other news. As context: COVID19 has claimed 37,000 lives in the UK. The 2017/18 winter claimed 49,000 ‘excess deaths’ (additional to…

Post-modernism – the cultural face of neoliberalism’s spiritual vacuum

At last – an article that explains how postmodernism relates to neoliberalism … it helps explain the ‘pointlessness’ of contemporary culture… also, this is a link to great alternative news website “Off-Guardian”: I’ve chosen to illustrate this story with a portrait of David Bowie, because Bowie is emblematic of our society’s abandonment of the…

The delicate issue of how to reply to rightwing friends on Facebook -when unfriending means being trapped in a pool of those who think like you…

AM: Liberation struggle? Really? Which? A economic catastrophe already unfolded in Zimbabwe with power cuts at 15 hours per day? What planet are you living on mate? Have you any idea of the problems Zimbabweans face? Appears not. Please spare us this leftist nonsense. If any of you had any morality you’d go back to the…

Is Putin right to say this is the end of the era of liberalism? (and a great essay about our times (the ‘anthropocene’) from Mintpress)

4bJuly 2019. Last week, Russian premiere Vladimir Putin said the era of liberalism is over. He’s referring to the global culture which appears to demand everyone can do what whatever they want. There’s a whole lot to unpack there – its about freedom, individualism, the right to make dreams of riches come true. From free…

Eade’s Die Liste coming home: HIX Award winning artwork about migrant deaths to go on show in Brighton at Spectre of the Real exhibition of social art on 13th April 2019

Award winning Brighton social artist Elizabeth Eade will give a talk, and show her prize winning work about migrant deaths, Die Liste, at the opening of The Spectre of the Real Exhibition, at Brighton’s BMECP Centre, 4pm, 13 April 2019. Elizabeth Eade’s artwork Die Liste is a 10m-long, hand written list documenting the names and…

Materiality, materialism and conceptuality – an essay about art as philosophy – an alternative to materialism, capitalism and the rest of enlightenment thinking

Here is the essay I wrote in support of my MA Fine Art, in August 2018. It tries to describe art in the biggest sense, as a philosophy without words – a way of seeing and understanding the world in an intuitive way. The essay suggests that art practice might provide us with an alternative…

Statues of colonial military heroes defaced in South Africa

5 October 2018. Below, I’ve included a link to the Daily Mail article of today’s date, about  statues and memorials  being  defaced in South Africa. The photo above is particularly poignant, as it highlights the British colonial philosophy that the colonisers were humane people, bringing civilised values to a dark continent, here exemplified by concern…